Leadership & Personal Growth Jeremiah Bartlett Leadership & Personal Growth Jeremiah Bartlett

The 1 Thing You Need to Know to Get Moving

I think many of us have dreams that seem big and out reach. In fact, they may seem so large that they paralyze us. We make no moves at all, and our heads stay in the clouds. I don’t want this for you. I want to share with you the one thing you need to know to get moving, create momentum, and begin turning your dreams into reality.

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Leadership & Personal Growth Jeremiah Bartlett Leadership & Personal Growth Jeremiah Bartlett

Not Your Typical Work-Life Balance Post

Work-life balance seems to be the unachievable everyone wishes to achieve. You want it. I want it. We all long for it. One day two posts from different authors hit my inbox. One believed work-life balance to be a myth while the other suggested such a belief is only held by those who have not experienced balance. I am ready to toss out the word balance entirely and here is why.

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