A Tool to Keep You on Track!


Do you have a system for personal task management, goal setting, calendaring, etc.? If you answered, "Yes," that's amazing. Tell me more about your system in the comments below. If you don't think you have a system, you do. You follow a routine, even if it's not the routine you want for yourself. 

Whether you don't have a system for managing your productivity and goals or if you do and want to learn about a different, then let me introduce to you my favorite tool for goal setting, future planning, and getting things done. It's called the Self Journal.

Best Self Company creates the journal and several other tools to improve productivity. I've tried other popular journals and systems. I'll not mention any names, but if you tried a planner, then you've most likely used one of the more popular ones too. Honestly, I found the others to be overwhelming. It seemed as if these journals crammed as many things in them as they could to validate a price point. 

Unlike the other journals, I use every single page in my Self Journal. Learn more about the journal on the Best Self Company site. Accompanying a journal purchase is the delivery of several emails and videos that help you set up your journal for success.

Here are a few of my favorite things about the Self Journal.

13 Weeks

The journal is a 13-week planner. There is good science behind why 13 weeks instead of a year. The company explains it well. It doesn't mean that you cannot have annual goals, but you are more likely to complete those goals when broken down into smaller milestones. I can explain more, but you're going to get one of these, and Best Self Company will supply you with all the resources. 

The Stitching

Have you ever bent a book back because the pages kept rising while you were trying to read or write. The Self Journal lays flat while writing. The acid-free pages stay put instead of becoming a frustration. It's a small thing, but that is how intentional the company is in making its product the best.

All the pages

From the daily pages to the weekly reflections, each page is designed with intention. One of my favorite tools is the habit tracker. For more on the importance of the power of creating good habits, read Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Finally, let me say that none of the links above are affiliate links. I simply love this product and have found James Clear's book to be very helpful. I think you will too. 

Remember to tell me about your system in the comments below. Also, If you purchase a Self Journal, I want to know! We can exchange tips and tricks, like how I set up the form pages for journaling and brain dumping.

What goals have you set for 2021?


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